Serverless Cloud Development

Introduction to serverless cloud development in Azure. You will explore basic capabilities of modern managed Azure services by building simple data processing application. You will gain hands on experience with services such as: Azure Functions, Azure Blob Storage, Azure AI Services.

Kúp si vstupenku, počkaj na registračný email a prihlás sa na workshop s firmou ESET.

Programovací jazyk a úroveň

C# - Intermediate

Mám si so sebou niečo priniesť?

- Your own laptop (with connection to internet) - Azure account (free trial or student)
- Latest version of Visual Studio Code - With Azure Functions extension
- Basic familiarity with a high-level OOP programming language (C# will be used in workshop)
- .NET SDK 8.0 installed
- Azure Function Core tools installed

Kúp si vstupenku

Smart Heads

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Buď smart a kúp si poslednú vstupenku, s ktorou sa môžeš registrovať aj na super Workshopy a Two Heads Chat s top lídrami. Pozor, na tieto aktivity sa už nemôžeš registrovať so vstupenkou Late Heads.
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7 €
